Update September 29, 2022:
MOFA to adjust entry regulations for foreign nationals in accordance with CECC’s relaxation of border control measures. (Original Post)
外交部配合開放邊境管制措施調整外籍人士來臺規範 [了解更多]
More Information/相關資訊:
- Bureau of Consular Affairs
- Ministry of Interior National Immigration Agency
- Taiwan CDC
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Updates
Update May 6, 2022: (Original Post)
In response to rapid spread of Omicron variant, COVID-19 RT-PCR test reports required for inbound passengers must be issued within two days which is based on specimen collection date.
Beginning May 9, mandatory quarantine for arrivals to be shortened to 7 days; 7-day self-health management remain required for arrivals starting 8th day. (Press release)
因應國際Omicron變異株疫情迅速擴散,指揮中心入境旅客PCR檢驗報告調整為「2日內」報告並改以「採檢日」為計算基準。 [了解更多]
Update Feb 24, 2021: (Original Post)
The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced on February 24, 2021, that implementation of the Fall-Winter COVID-19 Prevention Program (2020/12/01-2021/2/28) will be continued until further notice, but that entry regulations will be adjusted. In accordance with the decision, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) will update regulations concerning the entry of foreign nationals into the Republic of China (Taiwan). Beginning March 1, 2021, foreign nationals who wish to travel to Taiwan for reasons other than tourism and regular social visits may apply for a special entry permit with an R.O.C. overseas mission by submitting relevant documents and forms. However, the entry of foreign students will still be based on regulations of the Ministry of Education. (Please note that currently only students in formal degree programs in Taiwan and recipients of the MOFA Taiwan Scholarship attending the Mandarin Language Enrichment Program may enter the country.)
To continue to safeguard domestic antipandemic efforts, all inbound and transit travelers to Taiwan are required to provide a COVID-19 RT-PCR negative test report issued within three working days of their incoming flight’s scheduled departure time. Travelers should also log into the Quarantine System for Entry ( http://hdhq.mohw.gov.tw/ ), use their mobile phone to fill out the health declaration form prior to their departure, and make an affidavit stating that the location of their intended 14-day home quarantine in Taiwan (to be conducted in a quarantine hotel or in a home with one person per residence) meets relevant regulations. These conditions are subject to change and may be adjusted as circumstances require.
Update June 24, 2020:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) adjusts entry regulations for foreign nationals in response to worldwide efforts to resume economic activity and international exchanges following COVID-19 outbreak. Learn More
Update March 18, 2020:
For non-citizens, non-essential travel (such as tourism) will not be eligible to enter into Taiwan. Taiwan will bar foreign nationals whose flights depart after 00:00 Taipei Standard Time (GMT+8) on March 19 from entering the country in accordance with measures announced by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC). Exemptions will be granted to Alien Resident Certificate holders, personnel on diplomatic or official business, persons who can prove they are fulfilling commercial and contractual obligations, and persons requiring special permission. You may refer to the latest information on acceptable credentials to enter Taiwan here.
For Taiwan citizens, please refer to the Taiwan CDC on procedures to quarantine in Taiwan.
COVID-19 最新消息
因應國際Omicron變異株疫情迅速擴散,指揮中心入境旅客PCR檢驗報告調整為「2日內」報告並改以「採檢日」為計算基準。 [了解更多]
自5月9日零時起,入境居家檢疫天數縮短為7天,並維持第8天起接續自主健康管理7天。 [了解更多]
為確保國內防疫安全,搭機入境(或經我國機場轉機)旅客應出示「表定航班時間」(Flight schedule time)前3天內的COVID-19核酸檢驗陰性報告,及預先以手機完成「入境檢疫系統」(https://hdhq.mohw.gov.tw/)線上健康申報並切結入境檢疫14天之居所符合相關規定(防疫旅宿或1人1戶居家檢疫)。以上規範將視疫情變化隨時調整公告。
現鑒於世界各國逐步解封,並陸續重啟經濟活動與國際人員交流,為激發國家經濟動力,並重建國人正常生活環境,外交部依照中央流行疫情指揮中心決議及所定標準,逐步調整外籍人士來臺規範。自本年6月29日起,外籍人士除觀光(包含一般社會訪問)外,因其他事由欲來臺者,得備妥相關應備文件,向外交部駐外館處申請特別入境許可;但學生、研習中文等就學相關事由的來臺申請,將按教育部所定開放程期受理。 [了解更多]
對於台灣公民,請參考台灣衛生福利部疾病管制署(CDC)的檢疫程序 (居家隔離、檢疫就醫注意事項)。